DNP Working Group minutes 16th August 2019
7.30 pm Desford Library
In Attendance: Andrew Norton, Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Gary Kirk, Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Scott Wakefield
Apologies: None
- Welcome: Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed.
- Minutes of last meeting / matters arising: The minutes were approved as a true record and signed by Martyn.
Matters Arising:
- Judy and Jim to liaise about the publication of the minutes on to the website- Action pending. Jim has gathered the minutes together ready for publishing. Judy to send list of minutes dates to Jim.
- Judy to liaise with Kaye about the publication of the minutes on Facebook-Kaye has emailed to say minutes have been published on facebook.
- Letter to Ewan from the DNPWG- Action Martyn pending
- Declaration of Interest: Bernard declared an interest as his property was on the Local Heritage List.
- Chairman’s Report: Martyn stated that there was no chairman’s report for this meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report: Bernard stated that the DNPWG have paid all invoices up to date.
Colin said that the request for future DNP funding had gone to the PC resources committee and been approved.
- Communication Officer’s Report / Relationship between HBBC and DPC:
Bernard said that he had originally intended to submit a complaint about HBBC as a private person, independently of the DNPWG. However he had found out that he could not approach the ombudsman as a private individual in this case. Consequently he had composed a briefing letter which Colin, as the Chair of the DPC had submitted to HBBC. This had been sent initially to two local ward councillors who in turn had sent it to the council leader Stuart Bray. He had then passed it onto Matt Bowers, the new HBBC director (environment and planning). Colin reported that he had received a reply to this letter which had been circulated to the DPC. He had also spoken to Joyce Crooks, chair of the planning committee. Colin added that Nicola Smith has now been confirmed as head of planning.
Gary reported that he had spoken to HBBC in relation to Newbold Verdon’s NP SEA. Newbold Verdon’s SEA report had just been received and contained 3 very minor suggestions in over 30 pages. However HBBC still recommend that Newbold Verdon go through another Regulation 14 consultation. Gary had attended a meeting with Fran Belcher and Rachel Dexter from HBBC and representatives of Newbold Verdon NPWG about this. AECOM have written to HBBC saying that in their view it was low risk that Newbold Verdon’s NP would not pass examination. However Gary reminded the group that HBBC will send their letter recommending a further Regulation 14 consultation at Newbold Verdon to the examiner. Gary reiterated that planning is rarely clear cut.
Bernard said that although he was naturally cautious he could not see anything that will require Desford to do a second Regulation 14 consultation. Any issues arising from the SEA could be dealt with in the Regulation 15 consultation.
Gary stated that this situation is bigger than just the Desford NP and is impacting on all NP groups within HBBC. He questioned whether it would be possible for NP groups in the borough to work together.
Colin stated that Sheepy Magna and Stoke Golding NPs had passed examination. Burbage and Newbold Verdon NPs were at a similar stage to Desford. Barlestone is at an earlier stage. Bagworth, Thornton and Stanton, Markfield and Witherley are also progressing their NPs.
Gary said that a letter to HBBC signed by a number of NP groups would carry weight.
Bernard asked what risks the DNPWG were running.
Gary stated that the SEA states that there must be a consultation for an appropriate length of time, but not necessarily a Regulation 14 consultation. It would be possible to speak to Locality, but they process information and are not experts.
Bernard asked if the RCC could offer advice.
Colin stated that NALC could offer legal advice. He also mentioned that there would be a Parish Forum meeting at HBBC in a few weeks’ time which he would be attending. Other parishes will also attend this.
Martyn asked what actions need to take place.
Colin suggested that a letter should be sent to the PC clerks of the other NP groups. This was agreed. Scott suggested that it should include that the DNPWG were finding some of the responses and comments from HBBC quite frustrating. Martyn mentioned that it was important not to be adversarial. Andrew said examples could be included. Action- Bernard to draft letter.
It was also suggested to ask if this matter could be put on the agenda for the HBBC Parish Forum. Action- Pat to see if this is possible. If not it could be raised under AOB.
Gary said that the 5 year land supply letter which had been circulated to all NP groups could provide contact details.
Colin said that a meeting with Matt Bowers could be a next step.
Pat said that she would approach the RCC for contact details if needed Action-Pat
- Update on SEA and any policy amendments needed:
Bernard said that SEA correspondence had taken place and that Fran Belcher at HBBC had been very helpful. Fran had given Ian McClusky a timetable of sites and sent an explanation of the Jelson site to him. Hopefully this will answer all Ian’s questions.
- Update on HBBC’s response to the latest consultation:
Gary suggested that a further targeted consultation should take place on the site assessments. David reported that the Jelson site had scored slightly higher than CERDA (Peckleton Lane) on the SSA. The plan could then be finalised and move onto the Regulation 15 consultation. He reminded the group that the examiner will see the letter from HBBC recommending a further Regulation 14 consultation, as at Newbold Verdon. Therefore it is a risk not to do a Regulation 14 consultation.
Scott asked who the examiner will be.
Gary said that the examiner will be appointed by HBBC, but that DNPWG can have a veto and he would be able to advise on this.
David asked about submitting a legal opinion. It was stated that if advised this is a possibility by NALC it can be put forward.
Bernard reminded the group that Jelson’s forms were submitted late and were not yet on the website as the DNPWG had been asked to wait by Emily.
Gary stated that if the SEA report lists significant changes these will need to be considered.
Bernard agreed that there should be a joint SEA and Jelson site consultation period.
Gary said that the SEA consultation has to take place before submission.
Bernard suggested that he should write to HBBC’s Chief Executive Bill Cullen, asking about where the legal authority for another Regulation 14 consultation is. David proposed this should be done and Scott seconded. All Agreed. Action- Bernard
- Discussion of approach to development /allocations:
It was stated that the Barns Way site had been give outline planning permission. It is intended that the site will be fully developed within 3 years. Pat agreed to look on the website for the officer’s report. Action-Pat
A question was asked about the section 106 money. Colin stated that it need not be spent within Desford Parish.
- Actions needed to finalise DNP:
Gary stated that Bernard was looking at the housing chapter in light of recent changes.
Pat has a copy of the amended Heritage map and will email this to Gary. Action –Pat
Gary commented that the Planning Practice Guidance changed at the end of May 2019. It was now important to look at bio diversity in respect of ‘net gain’ as opposed to ‘no harm’ so he will look at the wording of this in the DNP. Action -Gary
Gary also mentioned that in two recent NPs the examiner has removed the local heritage list as they stated that this was up to the local council. He will therefore refer to this in the text and rephrase the words ‘local list’. Action-Gary
David asked that the planning approval for the favoured Barns Way site should be added.Action- Gary
Gary commented that he would try to complete these amendments before the 5.9.2019.
- Web page/ Twitter/ Spotted Desford: This had been covered in matters arising item 2.
- AOB: None
- Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the DNPWG will take place on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 at 4.30pm in the library.
This is provisional upon the date of receipt of the SEA.
A further date of Monday 23rd September at 2.30 pm in the Church Centre/Church has been agreed in case this is needed. Judy will confirm date when known.
Meeting closed 4.05pm.
I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:
Signed…………………………………………………………….. Name……………………………………………………………