DNP Working Group minutes 14th June 2019

DNP Working Group minutes 14th June 2019

7 pm Desford Library


In Attendance: Andrew Norton ,Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, Ewan Lindsay, Jim Houghton Judy Sharpe, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane,


Apologies: David Crocker, Gary Kirk, Scott Wakefield


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed.


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

Pat mentioned that the minutes from 31.4.19 meeting had not yet been published on the website as Gary had stated that he thought that they contained information of a sensitive nature. This was discussed and it was agreed to amend them appropriately for the website. Action- Judy

Colin noted that the acronym SHELAA had been written incorrectly in the second paragraph on page 2.

The full minutes were approved as a true record and signed by Martyn.


  1. Declaration of Interest:

Bernard declared an interest as his property was on the Local Heritage List.


  1. Chairman’s Report:

Martyn stated that he had attended the HBBC and RCC workshop meeting in the Atkins Building in Hinckley. It had raised some interesting points and emphasised that maps were crucial for NPs. He had spoken to a number of other local NP delegates and had offered to help John Whitehead from Dadlington if he could. Rob Foers and Fran Belcher from HBBC had also been present.


Martyn reminded the DNPWG that it was extremely important that everyone was aware of the procedures that were in place for the WG, and that these should be followed in discussions with outside parties.  All matters should be discussed and agreed in the DNPWG committee meetings and Martyn as chair of the DNPWG should be informed of any discussion or meeting in advance.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Bernard stated that he had circulated the Treasurer’s Report. End of grants reports had been sent for Locality 1 and 2. He said that he was happy to submit the Awards for All report on behalf of DPC if signed off at this meeting. This was agreed. Action -Bernard.

Colin mentioned that DPC were aware that the DNPWG would now need to use their funding. Bernard said that it was important for the DNPWG to do what they could to keep any future expenses as low as possible.


  1. Communication Officer’s Report

Bernard said that he wanted to formally remind everyone of the meeting of the DNPWG with HBBC on Monday 17.6.2019. Gary, Colin, David and Bernard would be attending this with three members of HBBC. Gary had written to HBBC about their response to the latest consultation as had been agreed at the previous meeting. Colin, Martyn and Bernard reiterated the sensitivity of this meeting. Colin said that he thought it would be useful to ask a ward councillor to attend the meeting. This was agreed. Action-Colin


  1. Discussion of HBBC Employment and Land Premises Study Response

Bernard thanked Colin and Pat for providing him with a hard copy of the draft Plan.  He stated the FATE sub group had discussed employment and land availability during the writing of the draft DNP.

Bernard stated that there was still a lot of available land for employment within the parish particularly at the Caterpillar / Neovia and Crown Crest sites, and along the road to Kirby Muxloe, which has been designated for industrial use. There was also employment being created immediately adjacent to the parish in Peckleton and at Merrylees.

Andrew commented that Crown Crest are closing their Yorkshire site and bringing 120 jobs to Desford.

Bernard offered to email Pat a form of words to help the PC with their response. This was agreed. Action-Bernard



  1. Update on the SEA

Bernard stated that the SEA was still out for consultation with the statutory bodies and that no date had been received from Ian McClusky. Locality are paying AECOM to do the SEA. It is a full SEA covering 7 out of 9 categories.


  1. Update on HBBC’s response to the latest consultation

Colin reminded the group that the latest 6 week consultation had been completed and that there was a meeting with HBBC on 17.6.2019 as Bernard had previously mentioned. He also stated that the SEA will need a consultation when completed.

Pat reported that there had also been four other responses to the latest consultation from Jelson, CERDA, Neovia and an individual, and that Derek would be responding to these. Bernard said that Derek and David would be communicating directly with Jelson and that they may be invited to meet with the housing sub group.


  1. Discussion of idea of possible reservation of land to enable the building of a future bypass

Judy had forwarded an email and circulated documents in relation to this for Ewan.

Ewan stated that he had spoken with LCC, who had directed him to HBBC planning department. He had spoken with Fran Belcher on the 14.6.2019. She had said that land reservation for a possible bypass route could not be part of the NP itself but a report could be included as evidence. However, if this was done, a traffic survey would be needed. Ewan stated that he was not pushing for a bypass, only for the land to be reserved.

Comments on this proposal had been received by email from Gary, stating that he personally would not support the inclusion of such a proposal into the DNP at this stage of the process. Scott and Bernard had sent emails agreeing with Gary and in Bernard’s case raising further points.

Martyn stated this was outside the remit of the DNP and Bernard said that it did not conform with the HBBC Local Plan. He also mentioned that a bypass, (if approved) could not be built until at least 2030 due to the lack of council funding. The only way that a bypass could be built before then, would be through housing development funding.

Colin stated that a traffic survey had already taken place. He also mentioned that HBBC were now 5,000 dwellings short due to the fact that the Earl Shilton SUE is no longer taking place and the Barwell SUE is still uncertain.

Bernard stated that he had a letter from HBBC stating that no further allocation was needed in Desford Parish until 2026. Colin said that the newly elected councillors were probably not aware of this letter. Bernard said that he would give a copy of the letter to Colin for Monday’s meeting. Action-Bernard.


  1. Discussion of Local Heritage Listing

This discussion was regarded as sensitive information and to be recorded separately.

It was agreed that further specific discussion was needed and that this would take part at the start of the next meeting so that any interested parties would not be present.


  1. Web page/ Twitter/ Spotted Desford: Jim stated that he had not posted the minutes on the website recently. He would liaise with Judy over this. Action – Jim and Judy. Judy said that she had heard from Kaye Johnson stating that she had been unable to post the last set of minutes on Facebook. Judy to liaise with Kaye over this.
  2. AOB

Andrew suggested that the information that two planning applications for Desford Parish (CERDA and Rosconn) were to be discussed at the HBBC planning committee meeting on the 25.6.19 should be posted on Spotted Desford and the website.  This was agreed. Jim volunteered to do this for the website if provided with a form of words. Colin agreed to organise this for facebook.  Action-Jim and Colin. Colin stated that there will be three two minute slots for people to speak at the meeting about this and that Terry Robinson would be doing so. Speakers have to have previously formally objected to the planning application.

Martyn stated that he had received an email from the RCC on behalf of the HBBC Planning Team that afternoon (14.6.2019) about the 5 year land supply. It said that: The statement sets out that the council can now not currently demonstrate a five year land supply. Therefore paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) applies. This sets out that for decision taking [of planning applications] there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development – so that permission should be granted unless any adverse impacts in granting permission significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the NPPF as a whole. Martyn agreed to forward the full email to the DNPWG. There was a brief discussion and it was agreed that it will be discussed further.

  1. Date of next meeting:



The next meeting of the DNPWG will take place on Tuesday 9th July 2019 at 7pm in the library.


Meeting closed 8.05pm.



I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




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