Minutes 13th February 2018

DNP Working Group minutes 13th February 2018

7.00pm Desford Library

In Attendance:  Bernard Grimshaw, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe, Kay Smith, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane, Scott Wakefield, Andrew Norton (PC)

Apologies:  Paul Angelinetta, Lisa Botterill, Darren Tilley

  1. Presentation By Your Locale

Gary gave a presentation on Planning Policy Pitfalls which Your Locale had produced.

Examples of quotes from previous plans, and the examiners responses to these, were discussed.

2 additional members of the Parish Council also attended.

  1. Welcome:

Martyn thanked everyone for attending and Gary for the informative presentation. Pat introduced Andrew Norton (Parish Councillor) who then stayed for the DNP meeting.  Martyn asked for apologies to be listed

  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising.

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

There were some issues raised.

Martyn asked about the constitution of the working group.  Pat confirmed status of the DNPWG as a working group of the Parish Council. Martyn then asked about the need for declarations of interest. Colin said a common sense approach was needed about this.

Martyn asked if the fee for the hire of the church for the previous meeting had been paid. Pat confirmed it had.

Martyn asked if the DNPWG is on the agenda for PC meetings. Colin explained that the clerk writes the agenda for the PC, but that it is on the Planning Committee’s  agenda and can be discussed under this at PC meetings.

  1. Declaration of Interest


  1. Chairman’s Report

Martyn  explained that further to Kaye stepping down from the role of secretary she had now resigned from the group.

Kay had forwarded an invitation to Martyn to a HBBC consultation event. This was discussed more fully under AOB.

  1. Treasurers report / grant applications

Darren had emailed to give his apologies and a financial report.

He confirmed that the second Locality grant will shortly be paid into the Parish Council’s account, so this covers the next stages of work by Your Locale.  The additional grant for the housing site surveys had not yet been confirmed.

He had passed the invoice for the annual website hosting to the clerk for payment.

He noted that there had been some miscellaneous payments recently and he would check the DNPWG records against those held by the clerk prior to the end of the financial year. He hoped to do this shortly and present a summary of income and expenditure at the next meeting.

Awards for All Grant

Pat asked if there had been any progress in this application. It was agreed to ask Darren about this.

7 Desford Vision

Jim noted that there had been no updates on the website since September 2017.

He had received copies of the agendas and minutes and will try to upload these to the website.

Bernard commented that he had heard from HBBC/RCC that the Draft Vision statement had been approved. It was agreed to upload this.

8 Communication officer’s report

Bernard had circulated his report to members of the DNPWG.

He then discussed the highlighted sections and made some further comments .

1-Vision and Housing Context. Sam Hatfield also commented that there were no specific numbers or major allocation before 2026, but it would be good to build in some resilience. 454 per annum was the number for the borough as a whole, but it was likely that HBBC will have to help Leicester City fulfil their quota. Historically Desford has built on average 15 houses per year but this may need to rise to 17 per year from 2026. (Based on Desford’s population being 4,000 out of a borough population of 110,000) This means finding sites for 60-80 houses.

2-Government Consultation on National Planning Policy Framework. There is a major review coming out later this year, but a technical change will be happening soon. Gary confirmed that this should not concern NDP.

3- Consultation Leicester and Leicestershire 2050 Our Vision for Growth. Most growth will take place along A46.

4- Consultation Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan Review. Bernard and David attended the Housing  presentation.  Copies of documents are available in the library and on Dropbox. There is a pro forma on the HBBC website www.hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk/localplanreview for submitting views, which needs to be done before the 3rd March.

7- Overall Spatial strategy. The SW to NE of the borough is in line for growth because of the transport links.

Employment – There is already a large land area used for employment in the borough, particularly in the urban areas of Hinckley and Earl Shilton. Desford parish has 2 major employers, ie Caterpillar/ Neovia, so it was suggested that any further site for employment could be welcomed in that area. Colin pointed out that part of the Caterpillar / Neovia site is in Peckleton’s parish.

David stated that in the years 2026 to 2031 the consultation suggests that about 60 housing units would be needed. However these could be skewed towards older people- if there is an evidence base showing need. There is an older demographic in the parish. Gary stated that older people/ smaller family housing would be needed before 2026. The NDP would provide an ideal opportunity to build in a phasing programme. It was suggested that it would be a good idea to refer back to Midland Housing and their questionnaire results,

Kay queried section 7.4 of Bernard’s report. Gary explained that housing is a key element but that environmentally valuable sites can be protected by suggesting preferred locations in the NDP.

Bernard was thanked by the group for his hard work in producing the detailed and informative report.

  1. FATE focus group

Jim reported that the group had made little progress since December in writing their section.

Traffic- Colin mentioned that there would be a traffic survey discussion at the next Parish Council meeting. The traffic issues were primarily in the centre of the village and at the Dan’s Lane junction with the A47, not at the Desford cross roads junction.

Business- Martyn reported that their consultation had, had 4 responses, with another one pending, but that there did not appear to be a lot of interest; even though all retail and businesses had been contacted. Scott suggested that these could be contacted again- stating that it would be assumed that they are content with the current situation unless the group hears otherwise. Jim suggested that the group works on that assumption for now.

Gary said that the consultants had offered to help and reminded the group funding was available until the end of March.

  1. Environmental Group

Pat reported that the group had met with John on the 29th January. John had submitted an updated version of the draft chapter for the report. Queries in this had been discussed. June and Judy are taking photos of the best views and Pat is going through the local heritage list. The group still need to discuss cycle ways with Newbold Verdon Neighbourhood Plan Group.

Gary reported that John was happy things were on track. He suggested that a list of the heritage buildings be compiled for the chapter, as the details of each listing will form part of an appendix and could be completed later. He also commented that it was too premature to arrange any further consultation/ local meeting or for the draft chapter to be seen by HBBC.  Gary said that he hopes all chapters will be done in draft by mid March, so that he can then begin to work on this as a coherent document.

11 Housing Group

David reported that the housing group are making progress. They have been through the SHLAA sites and done approximately 24 with 7 still to do in the next week.  The group need to ensure that they have the HBBC updated list, resulting from consultation sent out in December, and include all sites.  They are using the matrix from Your Locale and this will give a shortlist of sites. They will then bring this list to the DNPWG meeting for discussion.  It is unlikely there will be many apart from infill and sites for older people before 2026. Housing targets for 2026-31 and 2031-2036 could be skewed towards developments for older people.

Gary reminded the group that even if a site scores red on the matrix it can still be built on. The purpose of the matrix is to rank sites ie having a few favoured sites and others in reserve. He said he was aware of progress in the process and asked about design details. David said that the design decision was to not be too prescriptive.

Pat asked if we contact land owners now or wait until draft is completed. David replied that we wait until after the closing date of March 8th when the strict criteria can be seen. It has to be an open /transparent process.

  1. Cross referencing /Communication between groups/ group leaders meeting.

Gary suggested that the 3 group leaders should meet together a week before the next DNPWG meeting. This is to avoid contradictions in the report.

  1. Local Plan Drop In Sessions

Bernard and David had attended the housing session as reported in the Communication Officer’s report.

Pat and June had attended the environment session. There were no major surprises – it appears that we are doing OK.

There are some sessions on later in February should anyone wish to attend.

  1. Web page / Twitter /Spotted Desford

No further developments.

Jim suggested that links could be put in between websites for local businesses and Desford Vision. He also reported that SID will be employing Emma Sylvester for 2 hours a week, for 13 weeks, to promote certain groups by using Twitter. Jim suggested that this could be a possible resource for the DNPWG in the future.  Bernard pointed out that there is currently no money for this. It was suggested that Darren put this in as part of an Awards for All bid- to employ someone to promote the DNP through the use of social media. Jim agreed to feedback about this and it will be put on the agenda.

  1. AOB

Kay reported on an invitation she had received from HBBC to attend a Community Sector Partnership Forum meeting at the Concordia on the 26th February from 10am -12noon. This is to gain an understanding of community transport within the borough particularly in the light of continued budget cuts. She will try to attend and report back. Jim had also received the invitation and intends to attend.

  1. Next meeting

7pm Tuesday 13th March 2018 at the library.

Meeting closed.  9.19pm.

I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:

Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………


Minutes 9th January 2018

DNP Working Group minutes 9th January 2018

7.00pm St. Martin’s Church

In Attendance:  Bernard Grimshaw, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe,

Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane, Scott Wakefield

Apologies:  Paul Angelinetta, Lisa Botterill, Darren Tilley, June Morris, Kaye Johnson,

  1. Welcome:

Martyn thanked everyone for attending and asked for apologies to be listed.

  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising.

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

There was one issue raised. What is happening re the constitution of the working group?  Colin reported back that this had been discussed at the last Parish Council meeting but had not been recorded in the minutes.  Jim proposed that we seek to get confirmation of our status as a working group of the Parish Council from them. This was seconded by Bernard and carried unanimously.

Chairman’s Report

Martyn wished everyone a happy new year and stated that there were some changes to the group. He explained that Linda had resigned from the group and Kaye had stepped down from the role of secretary. Thanks were given to both of them for all their hard work. Judy had taken over the role of secretary.  He stated that the last quarter of 2018 had been very busy for all and that the plan was due to be completed later this year. Bernard added that the date for the draft was July 2018.

  1. Declaration of Interest


  1. Treasurers report / grant application

Darren had emailed to say that the financial situation remained unchanged.

With reference to the grant application- Locality had queried the quotes and Gary had sent through updated documents. Colin said that his understanding was that the clerk was dealing with this and the situation was resolved. He will check with the clerk and at the resources meeting.

The Housing Assessment grant application has gone in. Bernard stated that if we get this money it is restricted to £6 000 and If we get the remaining £4 500 from Locality, there will be no more available from this source.

It was agreed to ask Darren to look at what monies might be needed post 31st March to fund future publicity, hire of venues etc.

Awards for All Grant

Gary asked if this had been applied for as it can take about 10 weeks to go through. He said Your Locale would be happy to provide any information needed. Colin confirmed that this grant could now be applied for, as it is outside the time restrictions. Bernard enquired if the Parish Council could be asked formally, if this grant could be applied for. Colin agreed to talk to the clerk about putting the Neighbourhood Development Plan as a separate agenda item for the next meeting. It was also agreed to ask Darren to apply for an Awards for All grant and liaise with the clerk as needed.

5 Desford Vision

Jim said that had been 12 hits so far on the website this year. He has agreed to upload the agendas and minutes of the DNPWG to the website in future.

Bernard queried whether the Parish Council had seen his Vision Report. Colin replied that they have had a chance to see this, but that it was not necessarily recorded in the minutes of the meeting. If it is in the minutes or if not, after the January Parish Council meeting, Jim and Bernard will upload the report to the website.

6 Communication officer’s report

Bernard reported that he and Pat had attended a very useful Leicestershire Council networking event.  They had learnt about networking county wide, Locality grants and that the borough can write to stake holders on our behalf. He had spoken to Sam Hatfield who had explained that HBBC no longer dealt with neighbourhood plans and that this was contracted out to the RCC. It was agreed that Bernard would continue to work with John Preston (RCC) over this.  Sam had confirmed that HBBC can write on our behalf.

Gary stated that all completed Neighbourhood Plans should be reviewed on an annual basis by the Parish Council  and more often if significant change occurs.

Bernard also mentioned that The Strategic Growth Plan document is due to be issued in early 2018. This is likely to impact on all Leicestershire boroughs and districts and also the city. We have an opportunity to respond to the consultation  until 5th April.

  1. FATE focus group

Jim reported that the group still had quite a lot of work to do but that it was making progress and that he was taking the lead on facilities, Martyn on employment and Colin on transport. They had collected a list of community actions and proposed policies.

Martyn noted that the use of the internet at Bosworth Academy may be affecting broadband speed in the village as a whole. He also asked that if anyone has any contact details for any local businesses in the parish to let him know.

Gary reminded all groups to phrase wording carefully as the final document will be coming from the Parish Council. He also suggested that the DNPWG should continue to be involved, even after the plan’s approval.

  1. Environmental Group

Pat reported that the group had met with John in the middle of December and had another meeting with him planned for the 29th January. John is working hard and had submitted a draft chapter for the report. Changes and gaps in this had been discussed. Jim had kindly met with the group to discuss renewable energy and had written up a draft for this section. Pat is working on descriptions for local heritage list buildings.  Judy and June on checking open spaces and wildlife scoring. Gary said that John had offered to meet informally with the group before the next planned meeting if desired. The notes from the last meeting will be written up and circulated to DNPWG with these minutes.

9 Housing Group

David reported that the housing group are having regular meetings with Derek and have another planned in January. There are many complex issues. They have looked at the SHELAA sites and are considering the development of the old buildings (Polebrook House) at Kirby Grange as an elderly person’s centre. There was a need for this, as shown by the responses to the questionnaire.

The group’s next step was to encourage land owner engagement through an open evening, to give people the maximum opportunity to respond. No date has been chosen as yet but land owners have been identified.

Gary said that Derek was confident that work would be completed by the end of March. He also asked if there had been any other discussions eg about design. David said that the design decision was to not be too prescriptive.  Gary agreed a broad design policy was probably the best idea.

Bernard commented that the group’s thoughts were that if housing development was imposed on the parish that sites to the east of the village should be considered. This is to minimise additional traffic problems near the primary school and at the top of Peckleton Lane.

10.Cross referencing /Communication between groups.

Certain topics have links between the groups.  These need to be strongly considered before putting the final document together.

The housing group’s main preferred site has been identified as land to the east of Barns Way.

Davidsons are also expected to be making a presentation to the Parish Council about their new submission. This is presumed to be the land that was previously refused planning permission.

It was suggested that the land where there are currently old garages in St. Martin’s Drive could be used for housing for older people. Martyn asked if this could be ring fenced for Desford Parish residents as a rural exception site. Gary commented there would be a good reason to show a rural exception site in the plan as it would give additional protection (but these are usually on Greenfield sites).

Judy mentioned that it would be important to maintain access to the Charity Fields through the site proposed for housing off Barns Way. The fields score very highly in the Environmental Inventory and also the land there is listed as one of the best views within the parish.

Pat asked the FATE group whether they had discussed footpaths. The idea being to create new circular footpath walks in the parish. Jim stated that footpaths had been discussed by FATE but that they were happy for the environment group to work on this.

Gary suggested that each group work at the policies from their own perspective and that he will put them together when they are ready. He suggested that the 3 group leaders should meet together a week before the next meeting to discuss this. This could be reported back and put on the agenda for next meeting.

David suggested that as Martyn gets notes from all the groups he could check this.

  1. Web page / Twitter /Spotted Desford

Colin explained that there are now two Facebook pages –Spotted Desford and Spotted Desford- the New Edition. He said it was not particularly busy at the moment.

  1. AOB

Martyn mentioned that we need to ask the Parish Council to authorise funding for the hire of St. Martin’s Church for this meeting.  Colin agreed to speak to the clerk.

Local Plan Review leaflet-   Pat had forwarded this to some of the group and will recirculate it to everyone. Parish Council can respond to this and it has to be done by the 4th March.  Members of the group offered to attend drop in sessions: 30th Jan – David and Bernard, 2nd February- Pat and Colin, 12th February – David and Bernard, 26th February- Colin. Others are also welcome to attend. Pat asked if anyone does attend to make a few notes and report back at the next meeting. Agenda item

Desford Carnival is on Sunday 10th June 2018 at SID. It is suggested we hold a stall for the villagers to see what we have been doing and to engage community interest.   Martyn agreed to return the invitation form.

A joint meeting with Newbold and Barlestone was held on the14thNovember, which Bernard, David and Pat attended. The main theme is traffic on the B582. Newbold Verdon has not had the results back from their community speed watch yet but have offered to help us if we wish. Colin has agreed to contact Roger King to discuss transport and footpaths. Minutes from this meeting will be circulated.

Gary reported that Your Locale has revamped their website and encouraged everyone to take a look. It has previously published plans and useful links on it and will be updated on a regular basis.

Gary added that Your Locale has produced an interactive presentation entitled ‘Planning Policy Pitfalls’ which is 20 minutes long. He thought that the timing was now appropriate for the group and offered to show this. It was agreed that presentation would be shown at the start of the next meeting and Bernard suggested that members of the Parish Council should also be invited to see this.  Pat agreed to invite Parish Council at their next meeting.

  1. Next meeting

7pm Tuesday 13th February 2018 at the library.

Meeting closed.  8.49pm.

I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:

Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………


Minutes 7th November 2017

DNP Working Group minutes 7th November 2017

7.00pm Desford Library

In Attendance:  Bernard Grimshaw, Darren Tilley, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe,

June Morris, Kay Smith, Kaye Johnson, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane,

David Crocker, Scott Wakefield.

Apologies:  Paul Angelinetta, Lisa Botterill, Linda Mitchell,

  1. Welcome:

Martyn thanked everyone for attending and asked for apologies to be listed.

  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising.

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.   There was one issue raised by Bernard, What is happening re the constitution of the working group.  After discussion it was agreed that Colin would discuss further with Jake and then raise the question at the full P.C.  Colin then to report back at our next full meeting.

  1. Declaration of Interest


  1. Treasurers report / grant application.

Darren advised that Bernard has updated our milestone checklist to accompany the next Locality Grant application.  The application form is completed and ready for the PC to check over, approve and submit. Copy sent via email before the meeting for all to peruse.   There is an additional grant of up to £6k for additional items including site assessments if deemed necessary.  The housing group agreed this is a good idea.

Within the timeline Gary agreed that YL aim to get the draft plan to the PC in July 2018.  Mike and John have given feedback that they are happy with their respective groups work to date.  Derek is happy with the housing group but this will take longer to finalise.

5&6 Desford vision / communication officer’s report.

Gary and Derek thought it would be useful now to start discussing the outline of the parish’s vision.  Bernard supplied a draft copy that he had been working on for the Groups consideration.   This is to be read at home and any comments please to Bernard by Friday via email.   It was, however, agreed by all that the draft copy is a very good starting point and thanks were given to Bernard.   Gary suggested we add 1 page of history on the Parish and 1 Page on the Parish today.  This is then to be referred to the PC for their comments.

Gary advised at this stage is now important that we keep references of all consultations with the neighbourhood for the examiner to see.

It was discussed at this point if we need to start putting info out on Spotted Desford – CARRY FORWARD to next agenda.

  1. FATE focus group

Although a slow start, this group is now racing ahead and has over 25 pages of info already. Various items are still being dealt with as per the attached report.  The group is collating all info and will then review before removing any unwanted items – Gary offered to help with this if required.

  1. Environmental Group

This group has now completed a physical survey of 288 fields and 30 opens spaces.  A small group has met with Paul Grundy (HBBC) and will be looking at buildings in the Parish that are thought to be of Historical value that aren’t already a listed building; especially outside of the conservation area.   Gary suggested ranking all the open spaces against a set criteria to show if protection is or isn’t required, and needs to be balanced for and against building.

8a Housing Group

Not as advanced as other groups, but more complex.  The questionnaires gave a strong feeling of no more major developments.  The group had met tonight immediately before this meeting and now have a detailed map and can see small possible development sites.

There are 18 SHELAA allocated sites, but the next stage is to call for landowners to put their ideas forward if they wish their sites to be considered.  These will then be ranked to a set criteria.  Hence the need to consider the grant for assessing sites. Advised that Locality may question if we can complete by the end of March, but Derek has given his commitment to get the work done within the specified time.   We need to establish the ownership of all land within the Parish that may be considered. Approval from the PC is required to approve this action and fund it through hopefully the said grant.

As none of the group are experts Derek’s experience at the theme group meetings is very useful.

It has been noted that there are 6 or 7 tumbled down garages within Desford and could these possible be considered for an infill of older person properties?

9.Cross referencing /Communication between groups.

Certain topics have links between the groups.  These need to be strongly considered before putting the final document together.  The Working group needs to agree what is to be submitted to the PC for their final approval. Gary suggested a 20 minute slot in next agenda to discuss the overlaps.  Each group needs to highlight what these could be before the next meeting.

  1. Web page / Twitter etc..

Two hits a day are being recorded on the Web page.  Kay said no interest in Twitter and Kaye said no interest in Facebook.  We need to consider how this can be highlighted and more interest taken.

  1. AOB

Pat reminded all that the carnival is next June and suggested we hold a stall for the villagers to see what we have been doing and where we are at, at that time.

Kaye said she wishes to stand down as secretary from next year for personal reasons.  Judy is to meet with Kaye to see what is involved and if she wants to take this on.

David reminded all that there is a joint meeting with Newbold and Barlestone next week (14th) to compare notes as to what is happening in each village.  This is to be at the Barlestone Pavilion.

  1. Next meeting

7pm 9th January 2018 – provisionally agreed to be at the Library, however CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) will be managing the Library from January.   To be advised if different venue.

Meeting closed.  8.47pm.

I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:

Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………


Minutes 28th June 2018

DNP Working Group minutes 28th June 2018

7.00pm Desford Library

In Attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe, June Morris, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Paul Angelinetta

Apologies: Andrew Norton, Darren Tilley, Scott Wakefield

  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed

  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

Martyn asked if there was any progress in the change of postcode for Neovia. Colin reported that he had met with LCC and they will send a letter of support to the Post Office.

Martyn asked about the traffic survey report. Colin said that this had been received and that it would be circulated to the group. He also added that he had met with LCC Highways and raised several issues with them including HGV traffic along Main Street and Lindridge Lane.

Martyn stated that the Vision Statement was not currently on the PC or DNPWG website.

  1. Declaration of Interest:


  1. Chairman’s Report:

Martyn commented that funding was in place and that things were now back on track for the September deadline.

  1. Treasurers Report / grant applications:

Bernard had circulated his report by email to the group.  Pat noted that the amount of grant received from Locality was £6,000- not £6,500, as stated in the report. Colin commented that there had been an email confirming the approval of the funding from Awards for All but that the money had not been received yet. Action– Bernard to publicise receipt of grant as suggested in email.

Gary reminded the group that VAT is recoverable and Colin confirmed that the full amount of the YL invoice would be paid and the VAT recovered in due course.

Gary commented that SEA was not part of the grant bid as RCC will do this. A sum of money has been put in the bid for the consultation; however the RCC may do this and therefore save us money. YL can work in conjunction with RCC.

Action-Bernard to talk to John at RCC about this.

  1. Communication Officer’s Report:

Bernard had circulated his report by email to the group.  The change of address of RCC was noted.

  1. Discussion of Initial Draft of Neighbourhood Plan

Discussion of the Initial Draft Plan took place. It was agreed that this was sensitive information and was embargoed until the Draft is released for Pre- Submission Consultation.

  1. Web page / Twitter /Spotted Desford

Jim confirmed that the Vision Statement was not on the DNPWG website and that there were about 2 people a day viewing the website.

  1. AOB

Gary stated that he will be sending another invoice from YL shortly.

  1. Date of next meeting:

       Tuesday 7th August 2018 7pm at the library.

Meeting closed.  8.50 pm.

I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:

Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………



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