Minutes 26 September 2017

DNP Working Group minutes 26 September 2017

7.30pm Desford Library
In Attendance:  Bernard Grimshaw, Darren Tilley, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe,
June Morris, Kay Smith, Kaye Johnson, Linda Mitchell, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Lisa Botterill

Apologies:  Colin Crane, Paul Angelinetta, David Crocker, Scott Wakefield.

  1. Welcome:

Martyn discussed his chairman’s report which had been previously circulated to all.

  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising.

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.
There were no matters arising.

    1. Declaration of interest
    2. None.

          1. Treasurer’s Report and Invoice Procedure
          2. There is no change in the finance situation since the last meeting.  There is an invoice in from Your Locale for £2700, leaving £1800 of the grant monies.  After discussing the work required to use the remaining grant before 31 October the Group agreed to recommend to DPC
            a      That YL will submit an invoice in Mid October for further Focus Group meetings and research, with an updated template asap to support an application for grant to 31 March 2018 as per the latest extension of Locality funding
            b     that a housing site assessment should be carried out between October and March subject to grant being approved from the special Locality fund
            c      that future invoices will be submitted to the Treasurer with enough detail to tie it to the quote and he will arrange with the Clerk for DPC to pay it..

                1. Communication officers report
                2. Bernard discussed his report with the group which had been circulated to all beforehand.

                    1. To ask DPC to formally adopt our status as an Advisory Committee, as suggested by Jake at the LRAC)
                    2. An advisory group does not need its own Treasurer, however it can have a Financial Liaison Officer to assist the RFO in preparing reports, attending meetings etc.
                    3. There is an LCC networking event at County Hall on 28th November if anyone wants to attend, usually Bernard and Pat go, but others are most welcome.
                    4. Thanks was given to Pat for the map she kindly supplied giving a definitive border for the parish which showed that part of Botcheston is actually within the National Forest. It was suggested that perhaps we could try to arrange with landowners to use the grant possibilities to plant some trees within this designated area..
                    5. Bernard to approach the Kirby Muxloe PC clerk re any consultations for their aspirations etc, so as to link in the ‘Desford Enclave’. YL will liaise with HBBC at Local Plan level and ascertain more details of the strategic application expected for Blaby and part in HBBC and what the exact rules will be for housing allocations.
                    6. HBBC suggested that the current plan should be prepared on the basis of allocations for all uses, especially housing, up to 2026, with provision to review when the LPA has taken decisions on future borough-wide policies e.g. will there be new towns/villages? Will urban extensions take the majority? Will rural areas have to contribute more? These are being reviewed and consulted upon now, and decisions will take time.

                  6      YourLocale
                  Gary commented that the open spaces within Desford can be protected, we need to identify any sites being proposed and rank them in order for suitability to the village, giving us actual sites and reserved sites within the village for development.  Additional funding is available through locality should we wish to pursue this.
                  GK said that the progression of the plan is not as advanced as he had hoped for; this is NOT a criticism, merely a comment.  He is aware that Mike has not met with the Environment  Transport & Facilities group since the initial meeting, but Kay advised that was because of the amount of work left to them to do before asking him to attend again.  Kay to email Mike with the current stages and ask him to join them in a meeting next week.  GK said thinks that the 31 October is an unrealistic date to it all to come together and suggested we put the target date back by one month, this was agreed and hope that by our next full meeting the reality of the situation will be known.

                  7      YL Comments and feedback
                  Everyone agreed enjoying the work, but it is a mammoth task and could take longer than initially thought.
                  DD has the housing group pulling thoughts together, however one gap for info on infill housing. YL have a housing assessment which could give the info required.

                  8      Focus group meetings
                  Environment etc:
                  A map was produced for all to see with every field on within the parish. Each field has been numbered and put into a chart, then scored for various distinctions, ie beauty, views, interesting items etc…

                  It is important that we know who owns the field/open space and identify 6 – 8 areas that could be developed if necessary.   GK said it is good to have a narrative for each field for the examiner to see and suggested listing the open spaces separate perhaps with photos.

                  As info in now, should be able to start drafting the vision/objectives. GK said YL can help and supply standard templates for us to infill.   We should then draw from the vision key objectives to lead into the policy sections / plan.

                  Transport etc:
                  MP had given a sample document and the group has been focussing on obtaining info on amenities in the village.   GK advised the key item must be the facility rather than the actual activities within.  With doing this there had been little time to look at Transport etc.   The latest report is to be sent to MP for his comments.
                  It was suggested that a traffic survey is required and asked if the cost could be obtained as a grant, but DT suggested that because of the time involved in obtaining quotes etc (which we don’t have), use the questionnaire section for the info required.
                  We do need highways support for any reviews and suggestion was made to consider looking for evidence of what is happening in the village, ie take photos of damage to kerbs by hgvs etc.   MP is to be asked if he is free to attend their next meeting.

                  9      Website/Facebook/Twitter updates.
                  We are not getting many hits on the website,, which GK said should increase as the plan becomes established.  Twitter is no interest and Facebook has only 17 views since inception.   “Spotted Desford” to be approached to ask if they will notify our meetings and info.  PC to be asked to share our fb page and web page info on their site.

                  10   Dropbox
                  There is a lot of info  here, but Bernard will try and find the time to re-index the list so people can more easily find the relevant items to their groups.

                  11   Character Assessment
                  This is would be advantageous but is a 2 “mammoth task”. The Group suggest that DPC  should do  character assessments on potential future development sites at this stage, and include a commitment to a full assessment at the first review of the plan.

                  12   AOB

                      • to ask DPC to include June Morris, Lisa Botterill and Rupert Pullin as members of this group; proposed by BG and seconded PC.  All in agreement.
                      • The youth questionnaire needs to be re visited and Kay Smith agreed to assist Bernard Grimshaw with this.
                      • Treasurer and GK to prepare details for the next locality grant application for the DPC October meeting.

                  13 Next meeting  Tuesday 7th November 7pm Desford Library

                  I confirm a true copy of the meeting……………………………………………………..



Minutes 8 August 2017

Minutes of Desford Neighbourhood Plan Working Group 08.08.17.

Present: Colin Crane, Pat Crane, David Crocker , Bernard Grimshaw, Jim Houghton, June Morris, Martyn Randle, Judy Sharpe, Darren Tilley

In attendance: Richard Mugglestone (MRH)

Apologies: Paul Angelinetta, Kaye Johnson, Gary Kirk, Linda Mitchell, John Preston, Scott Wakefield

  • Minutes of 10.07.17. were agreed and signed as a true record
  1. Matters Arising:

BG asked about the progress with obtaining OS maps.  SH said that a small number of maps could probably be supplied by HBBC.  It was agreed that access to maps would be useful for the Parish Council for other occasions apart from the NDP.  CC said that he would ensure that it was discussed at the Resources Committee the following day, that DPC subscribe to http://www.getmapping.com

    1. Declarations of Interest: none made

The Chairman agreed to move item 7 to item 4

      1. Housing Needs Survey Report:
      • RM said that we could look together at ways of meeting the needs shown by the survey. This would involve further consultation if we decide to go ahead
      • If any sites are put forward for open market housing, we now have the evidence to support a request eg. that there is a proven need for bungalows
      • Of the 17 requests for open market housing, 8 were for bungalows
      • A Local Lettings Plan can be imposed on HBBC or Housing Association houses
      • Affordable Housing can be a mix of sizes and tenures
      • The results identified a need for 14 affordable homes, but cross referencing with HBBC revealed that there were another 46 on their register with a local connection
      • We could ask HBBC to reaffirm what they identify as a “local connection” and to check whether all the names on their list are still valid
      • Shared ownership is often not understood
      • Rural Exception Sites are outside the settlement boundary, but abutting it. (Land is cheaper to buy outside the boundary.  At one time, farmers hung onto land, to get a higher payment for open market developments, but this less common now that most local authorities have their 5 year land supply in place).  We would need to look at possible sites in conjunction with HBBC planning department.  An RES can now include some open market houses, but the profit from these has to be used to subsidise the affordable houses (which would be managed by a Housing Association).  They are usually small sites of 6 -10 houses.  Finding a site is the hardest part.  The 106 agreement would specify what is a “local” person.  BG asked if there any set criteria for a RES, such as proximity to bus stop, facilities etc. but there are none.
      • The affordable houses on the Bellway estate can be let to people without a Desford connection. They are allocated on a points system.  A Local Lettings Plan cannot be applied retrospectively
      • The Heart of England Housing Association are managing these. RM will ask whether it is the same HA for phase 2 of the development and what criteria they are using
      • Kirby Grange has many bungalows but they are open market or privately rented and are not affordable
      • The Report will be filed at HBBC and used to help determine future planning applications
      • RM is happy to attend any engagement events that we hold and can invite management from Housing Associations as well as developers
      • He is willing to attend the Housing Focus Group if needed
      • Work towards a RES can be progressed in parallel with our NDP work. We do not have to wait until the NDP is finished/adopted
      • LM is to be asked to write an article for the Graphic. This should include a link to Desford Vision website where people can read the report for themselves.  (Please let RM see it before publication and send to JH to put on the website)
        1. Questionnaire Report: JP had been unable to complete the report in time for the meeting. It should be ready by Friday and will be put in dropbox.  BG will e mail to those not familiar with dropbox
          1. Treasurer’s Report:
          2. There had been no change since the last meeting
          3. BG asked if there was any news of the Locality grant being extended beyond December, but there has been no announcement. Our grant runs out in October.  We will have to rebid for any unspent grant money
          4. We have not received an invoice from YL yet. GK has been asked to provide a template for Desford tasks (as against the generic template)
            1. Communications Officer’s Report:
            2. Terms of Reference & Governance for DPCNPWG: it was agreed to amend 4f to read: A quorum of members for the transaction of business is 4 including at least one DPC member
            3. DPCNPWG Roles & Processes of Focus Groups
            4. BG will send both these documents to Jake Atkinson (LRALC) for his comments and, following any further amendments, to DPC for their approval
            5. Thanks to BG for all his work on these
        1. Focus Group Reports:

      Environment: have been advised by John Martin to do an inventory of every field in the parish.  They met to number the fields on a map and found there are approx 288.  Newbold Verdon have already completed the process and found it a worthwhile exercise.  The group will do a first walk with JM on 19th August.  BG will also attend if he can.  This task will take some time

      Housing: were awaiting the HNS Report and Questionnaire Report; also analysis of the census from Derek Doran.  Next meeting 7th September

      Community Facilities, Employment & Transport: have been given a long list of tasks by Mike Preston

        1. A report on the current facilities. MP provided a model template which they are populating by passing round the group in turn, with a view to having it completed by their next meeting on 22nd August
        2. The next step will be to see if there is a community action which can be put against any of the items eg. to do something about traffic
        3. The actions identified will be used to write the policies
        4. A next meeting will be arranged with MP when they are ready
        5. Barlestone have done a Community Speedwatch and Newbold Verdon will shortly do one. DPC had decided not to do one.  The Three Villages Group are investigating whether LCC will lend the equipment to do a joint survey along the B582
        6. DPC are looking into the cost of doing a traffic survey as they were dissatisfied with the survey done in conjunction with the Neovia planning application. We need to establish the class, volume and speed of vehicles
          1. Website: the latest press release is on the front page. Usage is low.  We need to find interesting articles to publish.  Could each Focus Group do a brief report?  The HNS report will be put on.  Newbold Verdon have attracted interest in their site by publishing old photographs
            1. It is time we produced a Vision Statement. This needs to be short and snappy and must be in accord with HBBC Local Plan.  Members were asked to bring ideas to the next meeting
            2. We have not received a bill from YL. We can keep a log of the Focus Group meetings attended, but the consultants are also doing work in the background
            3. the Focus Groups should have a common policy of doing as much work as they can on their own and only involve the consultant when they have reached the final draft or need help with the next step

      Date of next meeting; Tuesday 26th September at 7pm

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