Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 7.00 pm Desford Library 1 June 2017

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

7.00 pm Desford Library  1 June 2017



In attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, Judy Sharpe,  Kaye Johnson, Linda Mitchell, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane, Scott Wakefield.


Apologies:  Sam Hatfield, John Preston, David Crocker, Darren Tilley, Jim Houghton.


  1. Welcome, apologies & Chair’s report:

Martyn in chair welcomed all who were there.  Names of people who had sent apologies were read out.  Martyn gave his report which was discussed by the group.


  1. Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising:

These were approved as correct and signed accordingly by Martyn.  There were no matters arising.


  1. Treasurers report:

As Darren was absent Martyn confirmed that the £4500 grant monies had been received in the bank otherwise no change.  We were reminded that this money must be used within 6 months of receipt, which in effect gives us another 5 months to use it.


  1. Communication Officers report:

Bernard recommended that we urgently need to be focusing on 3 – 4 days consultancy work to spend some of the grant monies, but before this can be done we need offerings of suggestions from the focus groups.   The names on the original focus groups were read out, and the members not at this meeting are to be asked if they can assist again.  The new groups are:


Bernard, Scott, Kaye, – David and PC members to be asked by Bernard.

Natural & Historic Environment:

Judy, Pat, Linda, – Ewan, Paul and Pam to be asked by Linda

Community Facilities, Employment & Transport:

Colin, Martyn, – Jim, Darren, Kay, Ian Sharpe & Stephanie Dunkley to be asked by Colin.

The dates of 27th and 28th June to be offered to YOUR LOCALE for a potential meeting at either the Bosworth Academy or Botcheston Village Hall.

Bernard to write to Gary to ask which date suits and what is expected at this meeting; but he did refer us to the list of items he had previously emailed – advice from Gary as to what we can be proceeding with now.

The Code of Conduct was discussed and this to be referred to the next PC meeting for their input.

Bernard also advised that the Financial Regulations will not apply to the group as we only recommend any spending to the PC.


  1. Update on draft report:

John Preston has been asked when we should see the analysis for the inputting of the Questionnaires, this should be by July.


  1. Date of Publication of report:

Hopefully this will be reviewed at our next full working group meeting and then sent to the PC meeting on the 19th July for their approval.





7.Date for relaunch/relaunch programme:

This to be the first half of September, perhaps week commencing 11th.  Scott to do a presentation with John Preston supplying information boards to be around the room for perusal by the attendees.


  1. Publicity:

The Graphic team to be asked to issue invitations to residents of the Parish with a flyer inserted in their magazine. Scott to design the flyer modified from the last one.


  1. Catering/H&S/Insurance/Costings:

This to be at Bosworth Academy if Colin can book an evening. Tea/Coffee/Cake to be supplied. Possibly wine. Bosworth Academy to be asked if they can provide the cakes.

PC will cover the insurance.

H&S will be under the Academy’s umbrella, which we must all follow.  It will just require someone at the beginning of the meeting to advise of the fire exits etc…  Colin will talk to Dave Claricoates


  1. Website/facebook/twitter updates:

Kaye asked if anyone knew a specific person in the area, this person has liked the fb page. No twitter updates as Kay was absent.   The website is taking shape with updates as needed.  Jim to be asked if he has arranged the email signatures with Craig, this to include LOGO, Web address and email.


  1. AOB

Bernard asked Kaye to cc Gary Kirk in all correspondence, Bernard to supply his email address.


  1. Next meeting

26th OR 27th June once organised with Gary.

Full WG Meeting – Monday 10th July 7pm start.


Meeting closed 8.41pm.



I confirm this is a true record of this meeting:………………………………………………………..


Name……………………………………….   Date……………………………………









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