Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 8pm, Desford Library, 22 November 2016

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

8pm, Desford Library,  22 November 2016


In attendance:

Pat Crane, Martyn Randle (chair), David Crocker, Bernard Grimshaw, Jim Houghton, Scott Wakefield, Kaye Johnson, Ewan Lindsay, Linda Mitchell, Judy Sharpe, Sam Hatfield, Colin Crane,



Paul Angelinetta, Darren Tilley, Lyn Dearling, Adrian Dickinson, Julie Peel, Malcolm Peel, John Preston.




  1. Welcome and Chairs Report:

The meeting opened at 8pm with Martyn Randle in the chair; Martyn welcomed all to the meeting including Sam Hatfield to his first meeting with us as the HBBC representative.

Martyns report covered:


  • Bernard and Pat have completed and circulated the first draft of the Questionnaire.
  • Initial enquires into the costing for the printing, delivering and collecting the questionnaire are underway

As there will undoubtedly be further revisions before the final draft Questionnaire is agreed he strongly advises that a system of documentation control is created to keep track of:

  1. Revision Levels
  2. Recipients



At present two Quotes have been received and one is pending, but discuss this later in the meeting.


Martyn also suggested it would be a good idea for an update to go out to the parish, perhaps in the graphic? (BG/LM to arrange).


  1. Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting were read out and agreed as a true copy, and signed by the chair.


  1. Matters arising not on the Agenda:

Only matters arising were that Kaye reminded all if a sub group meets please can she have a copy of the notes for the files and to be submitted with the agenda for the next full meeting.


  1. Treasurer’s report:

Darren was unfortunately unable to attend due to health reasons, but Martyn advised everyone that there was no change in the financial circumstances since last time.   Colin did add here that the Parish Council have agreed to carry forward this year’s precept if we don’t use it to next year, we won’t lose it.


  1. Communications Officers report – Website:

Bern spoke about the report which he had circulated, which mainly covered the

Website and questionnaire – the questionnaire part to be discussed later.  Bernard

said that 3 quotations had been received on a common basis and meetings held with 2 companies who had   requested them. He and Colin were in agreement that we propose CFS to the Parish Council as the company we wish to use to provide the web site.   Scott asked what had impressed them so much about CFS, Colin

said that Craig had taken the time to sit with them and explain items in full, with questions and

answers both ways.  Jim said they use CFS for S.I.D. and Craig is very proactive.  David C said

he has used Craig and found him to be very proactive.     The Chair approved the proposal of

CFS and this is to be put to the PC at their December meeting.    There will need to be

arrangements for the administration of the site going forward and the coordinating group will take this on.

The three companies who have quoted, PD Solutions, 2commune and CFS to be notified of the

Successful tender after the PC Decision.


  1. Focus Groups:

The chair thanked all involved in meeting as the sub groups and asked that everyone there had received

copies of the notes from the focus groups with the agenda.  All agreed and this led on to the Questionnaire



  1.  Draft 0 of the questionnaire has been sent out to all on the main list and David Crocker asked Bernard if he had

received any feed back from  the RCC, HBBC or MRH. Sam Hatfield apologised and said he had only received it a couple of days prior and not had the time to read fully.  He will however prioritise this and get back with any comments.     Martyn pointed out that this is only a draft copy and must be treated as such.  It was suggested that the housing survey be moved to the end and perhaps on a different colour paper so that the residents know which part is to be returned to whom.   It was discussed at length as to if a collection will be needed if they aren’t returned and also what process is to be used to clarify just who and who had not returned them.

It was also discussed as to if we want a young person questionnaire to be sent to be adopted.  This was agreed yes, and Colin Crane has agreed to run the youth project.

David Crocker suggested that the introduction pages need shortening to grab the residents’ attention, including relevant pictures as required.

It was also suggested that the wording Desford Parish be amended to the Parish of Desford and explain just how the parish is made up.

Everyone was asked to read draft 0 and send any suggestions asap.

Bernard said he was waiting for approval from this meeting tonight and will then visit the MRH in Coalville to discuss the housing survey in more detail.

The question was asked if the housing part is for all houses or just rented and perhaps should have its own short introduction:  it is for all properties.

Other comments re draft 0:

It needs reducing in length overall and some parts seem rather political.

Needs to be in more plain English

Sections 15 and 23 are the same subject

Take out “to be” where it isn’t needed, ie see section 26.

Take out the DOB question and replace with age group boxes.

Do we want to offer a prize draw incentive to encourage the completion of the form, if so can we use local business’s to donate gifts?

IT was agreed to collate any feedback from this group and other organisations and make draft 1, then to have a sub group meeting to discuss the amended form further.   Draft 1 hopefully to be circulated over the Christmas break in time for the next meeting.

The co-ordinating sub group will make recommendations to the group to finalise the content, format, printing arrangements, distribution, collection, analysis and reporting in liaison with HBBC, RCC, MRH.


  1. AOB:

No further business


  1. Next meeting 5th January 2017 at 7.30pm in Desford Library.


Meeting closed 9.20pm.




I confirm this is a true copy of the meeting.


Signed……………………………………   Name………………………………………………..




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