Desford Parish Neighbourhood Plan

The most recent Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (SEA), the Modifications table and latest draft Desford Parish Neighbourhood Plan are all available on the Desford Parish Council  website:

Desford Neighbourhood Plan provides the opportunity for our community to provide a positive vision for how we want our neighbourhood to develop in the future.

It is a massively influential document that means your community can choose where new homes, shops and offices are built, and have your say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided to support them.

Further information can be obtained from:


Desford Parish Council C/o Desford Library Main Street, Desford, Leicester LE9 9JP  

A vision of Desford

Desford Neighbourhood Plan

We are actively monitoring the progress of the Local Plan and will ensure that our reviewed Neighbourhood Plan is in conformity with the final version of the HBBC document


The Parish of Desford is a good place to live
This is according to 70% of the respondents to the recent Neighbourhood Questionnaire which 627 of you returned and which is currently being analysed.

The local shops and Sport in Desford are well used but most respondents travel out of the village for the ‘big shop’

Concerns have been expressed about  the number of HGVs, the volume of traffic through the parish, inconsiderate parking and speeding vehicles.

A high number of respondents would like to see more work opportunities for young people and there is some support for the development of light industry but not for heavy industry.

Protection of recreational and open spaces, access to the countryside  and provision of sporting activities are obviously important to respondents as are maintaining the essential characteristics of the Parish and the approaches to it.

There is still much more work to be done on collating the many comments and statements that respondents also added and this will take time.

Be assured, however, that the working group is meeting regularly and with the guidance and support of consultants will produce an appropriate plan which will be submitted to the authorities and to you the residents in due course.


Strategic Site Assessment consultation

The six-week Strategic Site Assessment (SSA) consultation  on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan was held in May 2019 and a significant number of the comments have now been built into the Plan. Once the Strategic Environmental  Assessment (SEA) consultation is completed we will then be able to submit the Plan to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough the end of December 2019.

Please find detailed update of SSA Consultation: SSA-Update Notice

Please find copy of the SSA map: Appendix D4 Version 3 SSA map


Desford Parish Council C/o Desford Library Main Street, Desford, Leicester LE9 9JP  

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